About Us

Since 1998

Our Story

Why the capital L and S in InLeadS?

The capital L and S in our name is a nod of gratitude to our friend and colleague, the late Dr. Shelley Dumas of the University of Texas, mom, and trainer extraordinaire. Shelley coined our name, originally Innovations in Leadership and Supports, and the InLeadS acronym, many years ago. Shelley, and her daughter Katherine, who communicates in many ways other than speech, taught us all so much about learning to listen and observing behavior to understand communication. Many people say it, but Shelley and Katherine helped the world see that behavior is communication. Shelley died in early 2021 and keeping the name InLeadS is one way we can honor her work, so people and families feel heard.


How did we get here?

Leigh Ann Kingsbury, MPA, Gerontologist, Principal Consultant, founded InLeadS Consulting as a part-time independent consultancy in disability services and person centered practices in 1998, and moved to a full-time venture in 2021. Leigh Ann's areas of expertise and passion are focused around policy and practice in disability and aging services, broadly described as facilitation and planning – with individuals with disabilities who use services and supports, older adults, families, organizations, and governmental entities.

Leigh Ann worked with Michael Smull and Suzie Burke Harrison in the late 1980s to develop Essential Lifestyle Plans (ELP) for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities leaving state institutions, along with others with labels of challenging behavior. ELP was one the original formal person centered planning modalities, and it remains the crux of the work in Person Centered Thinking© training and planning.  

In the early 2000s, Leigh Ann explored existing processes for helping with disabilities engage in advance care planning, and discovered a gaping hole in structured processes and planning. In partnership with Quality Trust, she developed People Planning Ahead: A Guide to Communicating Healthcare and End of Life Wishes, published by AAIDD in 2009. Today, Leigh Ann, and colleague Mary Beth Lepkowsky of Helen Sanderson Associates USA use their experiences in person centered planning and advance care planning to support facilitators in: Person Centered Approaches to Healthcare Decision Making. Leigh Ann's passion remains using person centered practices to help people remain in control of their lives, up to, and including all the way through the end of their lives.

Our core values & principles


People who experience disability or age-related diagnoses and limitations have the right to be, and remain in charge of their lives, all the way to the very end of their lives, with support as needed. At its core, this is the work we do.


As a white, cisgender woman who is also a caregiver, Leigh Ann values collaboration and the input of others who experience disability and who represent a different cultural or diagnostic experience. InLeadS will always look to include the lived experience of others in our work. 


We pride ourselves on supporting people to have clear, and sometimes hard, conversations. If we’re not the right consultant for you, we’ll say so, and we hope you will, too. We are fortunate to know many other consultants who may be a better fit. Our relationship with clients is a journey and you can expect us to do our best to be transparent, clear, and honest. 

What our customers say....

What is the experience others have had while working with InLeadS?

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"Not only is she a great resource to learn from for person-centered planning, but she was also easy to learn from as a facilitator, and a trainer. I feel more equipped to work with and speak to the members of the community that I serve about their end of life plans, and how they can incorporate person-centered planning as they plan for the future with their loved one with Down syndrome."

Rachel Grimm
National Down Syndrome Society 

"Leigh Ann creates an accessible, thoughtful learning environment. She weaves personal experience into her teaching and makes it a comfortable and safe space to share and grasp new understandings and skills. Learning from and with Leigh Ann has been an enlightening and heartfelt experience. "

Havi Martinez
Certified Support Planner,
Person Centered Planner,

"Leigh Ann was gracious with her time, managed schedules and demonstrated natural leading qualities.  She invested her time , talent and was an opportunity treasure for a project and team that she had barely met. I consider Leigh Ann a colleague that I hold in high regard and truly look forward to more opportunities to engage with Leigh Ann on future human services endeavors."

Steve Fey
Roeing IT Solutions

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